Thursday, May 17, 2012

Los Zetas Beheading several people

 Los Zetas Execution Video

Check out the latest video, of the savage los zetas drug cartel... what's next cannibalism? In this video it is very graphic and you can see some los zetas in masks and they cut off the heads of several victims.

It's kinda sick to watch.. cuz they really get it.. damn can't get that last part of the spinal cord cut so he takes his hunting knife but uses it in a chopping motion..

towards the end it shows los zetas chopping off 2 people's heads... they just jump on them and start sawing his head off, while he's alive...

Need I say more? Point proven right? This is all just another result of USA drug policy and drugs being illegal means that los zetas will continue to chop off your Fcking head bitch!

Legalize or get chopped!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Rival drug cartel executes Mendez Leyva

Those in charge of the interrogation, end bluntly telling Mendez Leyva "As you go from here," and then cut his head off. This Mexican drug cartel execution video is very graphic with audio.

 I don't know which cartel in this video is actually doing the execution but they decapitate his head so check it out. First the drug cartel members interrogate the man in spanish and then kill him in a gruesome way. 

I know these are nasty gruesome videos but does this not prove my point? War on drugs is a total failure. 
Decriminalize / Legalize drugs 

Didn't we learn anything from prohibition?

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Video: La Línea members beat and dismember Joaquin Gallegos

This video is extremely graphic and shows gang members from La Linea beat a man with a baseball bat. After the baseball bat beat down (yes it gets worse), these killers get out an axe and start dismembering his body. This video shows how violent drug cartels can be. They do things like this to get a point across. The killer had no problem picking up his body pieces and throwing them in a pile. Hey Holmes, I'll take an ankle please.

These brutal killings and crimes are all a result of a failed drug war. If any readers think the United States will eventually win the War On Drugs, feel free to comment because the war is over. 
Drugs are here. Face it. There will always be drugs. The war on drugs not only costs billions and billions of dollars every year, but look at all the brutal murders in the name of illegal drugs. See, it's very simple.

Strict Drug laws and mandatory minimums is the reason why  sometimes drug dealers go to prison longer than child molesters.This prohibition drives the price up (for the user), and increases profit potential in the market.

Now there are illegal drug cartels and gangs and they fight for control of the illegal racket. Mexico is plagued with corruption. Can't blame them I guess. People who work for 10 dollars and someone offers them 1000 dollars..
Either way you look at it, from either side of the border. The War On Drugs is in all actually a war on our own people. Thousands of innocent people murdered. 

And the usual response from the states, force it. We need more helicopters, more prisons, and the cycle continues. Drugs are here people. We should focus more on rehab and education and less on the war on drugs. War isn't always the best answer.


The video ends with a message that says, "Ministerial police who support Chaputo," and photographs of men are displayed. "For those who do not believe here is the proof Joaquin Gallegos, executed May 13, 2011 and keep supporting El Chaputo."